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Ramboprah Radio

Feb 28, 2020

Gained weight, UFC recap/picks, Fury Wilder wrap up, Customers of the week, Sound clips of the week, Catfish Billy, Massive Attack Paradise Circus, You're Gonna Love Me.

Feb 23, 2020

Couples Therapy Dj, Little Miss Sunshine, Brother Darkness, UFC Picks, Customers of the Week, Dating stuff.

Feb 16, 2020

Valenshite Day, UFC Picks, Customers of the Week, Ricky's Mom, Shakira Shakira, The Batchelor, The pharmacist, Dirty Money.

Feb 9, 2020

Poopy Bowl, UFC Picks, shu shu flu, Lost in korea town, current events.

Feb 1, 2020

Kobe/Gigi, problems and solutions, no more treats, The circle, Dating Apps, Current Events, shu shu flu.