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Ramboprah Radio

Nov 24, 2018

UFC China Picks, Confrontation, 1hour Thanksgiving, Current Events, Q and A, Clip of the week, Customers of the Week, Stalkers, Cheese Dick, Giggles McGee.

Nov 17, 2018

UFC Picks, Make a change,TRANslation, Current Events, Give him Aids, Customers of the Week, Not Today, Jog Off, Down with the sickness, Dool tala, Ben Dover, My Skwod.

Nov 10, 2018

UFC Picks, RIP Tom, Election Gays, Don't bone your friends, Thanks a lot Bitch, Current Events, Customers of the Week, Big Trouble in little Magina, Martha Stewy.

Nov 3, 2018

Rip Twitter, Dusty Ass Clown, Cheddar Bay Biscuits, Halloween, Not so scary movies, Dracula 2000, Vitamin C, Seventeen, Current Events, Customers of the Week, Immergaawd, Biotch scout cookies, Wretch 32.